Making an AIE Request

Applications for Access to Information on the Environment (AIE) should be made to:

For M1 Dundalk Western Bypass PPP Scheme;

     Information Officer
     Celtic Roads Group (Dundalk) DAC
     M1 Toll Plaza
     Co Meath

For M7/M8 Portlaoise Motorway PPP Scheme;

     Information Officer
     Celtic Roads Group (Portlaoise) DAC
     M1 Toll Plaza
     Co Meath

For N25 Waterford Bypass PPP Scheme;

     Information Officer
     Celtic Roads Group (Waterford) DAC
     M1 Toll Plaza
     Co Meath

When making a request for information under the AIE Regulations you are required to:

·        state that the application is being made under the AIE Regulations and submit it in writing to the above address or in electronic form to stating which scheme the AIE Request is relevant to

·        provide your contact details and

·       state, in terms that are as specific as possible, the environmental information required, and specify the form and manner of access desired

Normally you will be notified of the decision on your request within 1 month of its receipt.


As provided for in the AIE Regulations, there is no initial fee required to lodge a request for information under AIE to Celtic Roads Group. A public authority may however, charge a reasonable fee for supplying environmental information in accordance with the Regulations and the following are the fees that apply:

·       Search and retrieval costs are charged at €50 per person per hour, subject to the following:

·       If the estimated cost would exceed €750 (i.e. 15 hours), Celtic Roads Group may refuse to process the request unless the requester is prepared to refine the request to bring the search, retrieval and copying fees below the €750 limit.

·        If an applicant requires hard copies there may be a fee of €0.10 per sheet depending on the volume of information contained in the request.

·       A charge of €25 applies to the provision of information on a USB data disk.


Details of charges, if any, will be advised in the decision notification. Payments should be made by way of cheque or by electronic funds transfer prior to the release of the requested data and payment details shall be provided within the decision notification. Non-payment within 3 months of the decision letter shall result in the closure of the request.

How will CRG supply information free of charge?

·        It should be noted that fees in respect of supplying information may be waived where the cost is estimated at less than €20


Further information

Further general information on the European Communities (Access to Information on the Environment) Regulations 2007 – 2011, including background information on the legislation, useful publications and links to other relevant bodies is available in the AIE section of the website of the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment.


What can I do if I am unhappy with a decision on my request?

If you consider that your original request for environmental information was refused wholly or partially, or was otherwise not properly dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the AIE Regulations, you may, not later than one month following the receipt of the decision notification, request that Celtic Roads Group carry out an internal review of the decision in part or in whole. The review will be carried out by a member of staff of equivalent grade or more senior.

No fee will be charged for the internal review process.

A written outcome of the review informing you of the decision, the reason for the decision and advising you of your right of appeal to the Commissioner for Environmental Information will be issued to you within one month of the date of receipt of the request.

If you are not satisfied with the decision following the internal review process, you may appeal the matter, in writing, to the Commissioner for Environmental Information at the following address:

     The Office of the Information Commissioner,
     6 Earlsfort Terrace,
     Dublin 2,
     D02 W773.
     Tel: +353 (1) 639 5689

The AIE Regulations provide that a fee of €50 must be charged for an appeal to the Commissioner for Environmental Information. A reduced appeal fee of €15 applies if the applicant is a medical card holder, the dependent of a medical card holder or a third party who is appealing the decision of a public authority to release certain information.

© 2025 CRG
Celtic Roads Group, M1 Toll Plaza, Balgeen, Drogheda, Co, Meath, Ireland | Registered Number: 378371